Ok, I'll admit it: I have a smidge of an obsession going on with my favorite product for hydrating: SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator. This photoshop-in-a-bottle might just be your new best friend, too.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA): The Fountain Of Youth Molecule
HA is a naturally-occurring, water-loving, water-binding element. The presence of HA, and the ability to create our skin's own HA, is depleted over time with age and skin damage. When we have more HA, fine lines are smoothed, dryness is relieved, and loss of moisture is prevented. The right HA is not only essential to your skin looking fabulous, it's also essential to long-term skin health.
Imagine there's a sponge underneath the top layer of your skin. Imagine that it shrinks as we get older, reducing our ability to hold water in the skin. No matter what moisturizer you use, the amount of water your skin can hold on to is not what it was. We need to restore and replenish that sponge, it's been getting dry and crispy over time.
HA5: What will it do for me?
When you add a concentrated, stabilized HA Serum to your routine, it will amplify skin’s water content and prevent loss of hydration, reducing the look of crow’s feet, folds, laugh lines, marionette lines, and other 'textures of life'. The result? You have smoother, firmer skin, and you look Ah-mazing. Check out some before and after pictures on real people here.
...But when that HA Serum is SkinMedica's HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator, the improvement is not just temporary. Remember that above-referenced 'sponge' (above)? After several weeks of use, you will notice a change in your skin each day: your 'sponge' is healthier, holding onto more water than before, and making its own HA! Because, while instant gratification is awesome, who doesn't want to look really good every day??

This amazing product boasts five different forms of HA, all with different tasks:
Time Release HA: A SkinMedica® proprietary, sustained release of HA (HA all day!)
Sodium Hyaluronate: For immediate hydration (instant gratification)
Uncross-linked HA: For smoothness and hydration
Nano HA: Soothes skin (great for those with sensitive skin)
Cross-Linked HA: Provides long-lasting hydration for up to 8 hours (most HA serums zonk out at 2-4 hours)
Soothing, calming, smoothing, an instant smoothing effect AND long-lasting hydration.
Instant Gratification
Really: if you put this on at least 15-20 minutes before you have to look really fabulous, you will notice a visible improvement in fine lines and textures. When we demonstrate it in the office, I'll apply it to one side of a patient's face. By the time they leave the office, there is a very noticeable difference between the two sides. 
HA All Day (and beyond!)
Here's the best part: HA5 features VITISCENCE™ antioxidant technology, (this is exclusive to SkinMedica). These new and potent antioxidants will actually support long-term skin health and your skin’s ability to replenish its own HA.
Who Is It Good For?
All skin types: including normal, dry, mature, oily, acne-prone, sensitive and fragile.
How Do I Use It?
Apply 2 pumps of SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator as the last step of your skin care regimen before a moisturizer both AM and PM.
- If you use a moisturizer/sunscreen combo: it would go on just under that.
- If you are a serum-user, apply your serum first, then your HA5, followed by your moisturizer and/or sunscreen.
Real Patient Comments from our office:
“You feel like you’re doing your skin a favor… and as time goes on, the more favors you can do for it, the better!”
“It’s a treat for myself every day”
..."it feels ‘soft’, ‘smooth’ and feels so light, while still ‘feeling moisturized".
After using it for a while, many patients remark that they don’t have that tight-feeling after cleansing, and don't feel that immediate need to throw something on fast to alleviate tightness.
Looking to join the #nofilter-selfie-HA5-fanclub (<get one for yourself)?
Authentic HA5 is only available through authorized physician's offices: you can find a physician near you by clicking here.
And if you're around the Chicagoland area, give us a call at our office! Skincare consultations and Shipping on products are both complimentary... we would love to help you get started on HA5:
DMG Aesthetics - Dr. Daniel G. Danahey
Learn more about HA5 on SkinMedica's site by clicking here.
...And in the meantime: stay fabulous (and hydrated!) my friends!