Before and After: Temptu s/b Airbrush Makeup

So here is a cute before and after of some airbrushing I did this weekend for a wedding. This is using TEMPTU Silicone-Based Makeup and a small, relatively inexpensive compressor.  My fabulous makeup artist friend Jennifer Johnson schooled me on basics a while back, and suggested TEMPTU to start my airbrush kit. I've been playing around with it for a while and I think I'm in love!

This cutie-pahtootie didn't need too much help... Gorgeous, Dahling!!!After Airbrush 2

As you can see, she has beautiful skin and gorgeous features anyway, so she could make any makeup artist look good… but I LOVE the dewy (yet not greasy or shiny) consistency of the s/b makeup, and it wears like a champ!

Jumping In! ...But I'm definitely holding my nose.

I'm assuming that my friends and family will be the first ones following my blog, so: Hi Mom! ...But for anyone else out there, my name is Elizabeth Weiler and I'm a licensed Aesthetician (Skin Care Professional), Medical Assistant, Laser Technician, and now: Business Owner!

That last part is new, I've just incorporated my small business, med-E-spa so I can help others open medical spa practices or salon/spas AND learn new tricks of the trade!

So, here's my first post. I think this first one was sort of a challenge for me. I have ENDLESS ideas for posts: makeup, skin care, non-medical, medical, plastic surgery topics, skin health, and even hair care, trends, fashion... the list goes on! But frankly, I was feeling intimidated about blogging for the first time. I think I was avoiding the whole thing because I had no idea where to start.

Sometimes you just gotta jump...

But isn't that how many things in life go?

I have clients that walk through the door with NO idea how to start treating their concerns. "What do you think about Microderm? Oil of Olay? Lasers?" about lists going on! But no matter how long we need to chat about their options (downtime, budget, commitment), those clients leave feeling confident and less stressed (let's not forget that stress contributes to aging, people!) 

So here's a guide that I found helpful about writing blogs, which I thought was very well done, and helped me take the first step. Because- just like my confused clients, once I had a professional pointing me in the right direction, it felt just a bit less scary to take that first step.