Wedding Makeup: My Top 3 Go-To Products

I recently had the opportunity to BOTH work and participate in a wedding! This has never happened to me before... Let's just say it was a LOT of stress for me but very rewarding! Because the schedule was tight with getting myself done too, I was only able to grab one of the girls for photos right after I made her up, but thought I would share anyway:


A shout out of a few of my favorite wedding day stand-by's to use when I'm working are:

The Bride's lip color:  MAC Russian Red

The Bride's Lashes: MAC #7

Foundations on all the girls: Temptu Airbrush

Until Next time, stay fabulous, My friends!

Mad About Mac Retro Matte

I've been rocking a couple of Mac Retro Matte Lip Colors lately. It occurred to me that I haven't accepted so many compliments or 'where-did-you-get-that?'s on my lip color in... I don't know, a long time. This collection is not that new (Sept 13, I believe) but I'm having some fun and thought I'd share! After much positive reinforcement on the color, along with a slow and passive realization that it does not smudge off during the day, I had to go grab some additional 'flavors'

wpid-testUpload.png Here's what I grabbed: Retro Matte Colors (From Left) Relentlessly Red Ruby Woo All Fired Up Not pictured: Flat Out Fabulous

"All Fired Up" is my total fave... but Ruby Woo is the original crowd pleaser of this collection, known for it's Vampy Hollywood True red with its (visually teeth-whitening) flattering blue undertones.


I was told by a Mac Pro that the Retro matte collection features some of the usual, pre-existing Mac Mattes, now made with the same formula that made Ruby Woo popular back in like,1999 or so. Legend has it that these bad boys are made with kaolin clay, which undoubtedly provide its lasting, mattefying effect. My fave features here are how light it feels, it's very vibrant colors, and it's lasting effect without drying you out (like a stain)*

*That last part seems to vary slightly between formulas... Ruby Woo and All Fired Up seem the creamiest to me... While Flat Out Fabulous (Fuschia) and Fixed on Drama (wine) seem to go on drier. For official info on the collection:

and until next time- Stay Fabulous My Friends!

MAC recycles and you get FREE lipstick: Win/Win

Ok, I know for those of you in-the-know, this is super basic info... But I just HAD to put it out there for those who may not know. It's not fair to keep things like this to yourself (shame on us!!), and I don't know that I've EVER seen it advertised, have you?? Did you know that MAC will take your empty makeup products and recycle them? (They call it the Back to MAC program) A sales associate in the store told me that they make playground equipment with it. Fascinating! And even I, theproductpro, didn't know about this for a number of years. waaaaaah?

As an incentive: for every 6 pieces makeup packaging that you recycle, MAC will let you pick a lipstick (or eyeshadow, depending on whether you do this at a store location vs online) of your choice FOR FREE*!

*The exception is the VIVA GLAM line, (All proceeds from VIVA GLAM sales go toward helping women, men and children living with/affected by HIV and AIDS).

The most helpful thing about this in my opinion: 

If you have OLD products (yes, its time to let them go) or colors that you just aren't nuts about: recycle those bad boys and breathe some new life into your collection with FREE PRODUCT! Yeah!!

On the website, MAC's own 'Primary Packaging' is accepted, including:

Empty Compacts

Tubes (lipglass, lipstick, liquid liner, paint tubes, etc.)

Empty mascaras

Empty foundation tubes, bottles, and jars

Here's my recycle haulHOWEVER, the girls at the location near me say this (and you didn't hear it from me!): You can bring in anything that involves plastic.

They tell me that this INCLUDES the empty makeup remover wipes package AND empty Lash containers.

My response to this was: "Do you have any idea how many of these I have thrown out over the years??" waaaaaahhh!

...So if you weren't before, now you too are empowered with this knowledge. Enjoy that. And your free lipstick!

Until next time, Stay Fabulous My friends!