Hot off the press! You'll love this New Obagi Sunscreen

BEHOLD: The NEW Obagi physical SPF ingredients Sun Shield Mineral isn’t just an ordinary sunscreen

So excited: this a cosmetically-elegant ALL PHYSICAL BLOCK (This means NO chemical sunscreen) complete with a unique dry, clear, and invisible finish!

Fun Features:

  • Paraben FREE
  • SPF 50
  • Water resistant (40min)
  • Appropriate for ALL skin types, even sensitive skin!
  • Non-irritating and non-sensitizing
  • Light-weight
  • Oil-free

Undoing Summer Fun-Damage

This is a perfect product to use all year long, but especially now if you plan to do any procedures this Fall. Tis' the season for undoing Summer Fun-Damage, so you'll want a smooth, easy-to-use, gentle SPF!! (Click here to read more about one of my favorite ways to un-do that Fun-Damage, Halo Laser)

Enjoy, and Until Next Time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!

Drug-Store Shout-Out: L'Oreal Sublime Sun Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Oil

So, I'm completely paranoid about bathing suit season. Let's face it... when you're just as nervous about skin cancer and premature aging as you are how your thighs look in a bikini, it's not a recipe for a care-free day. But that's where this little product entered into the story, and made my day at the beach much easier! Bikini-Friendly, cellulite blurring formula, I love you!This innovative, sheer-oil formulation claims broad-spectrum SPF 30 or 50 (depending on which one you choose) AND makes your bikini-clad bod look less frightening with it's subtle glisten! (think: body builders... they must slather oil all over for a reason, right???) But this oil isn't super sticky or gross, like I would imagine hugging a body-builder to feel like- haha!

This product lacks offensive/overwhelming scents, and has a super fabulous price point of around $10. I plan to continue using this dewey, imperfection-blurring product on my neck and chest beyond summer season...

....and maybe even for competitions when I finally pursue my dream of bodybuilding.

