A Fun Find Tech Toy or Just Way Too Much Connectivity? A Connected Mirror Analyzes Your Skin Condition

Ladies, start your charge cards - just when you thought you had smart-everything: from your phone, tv, thermostat, home speakers, smoke detectors, fridge, well, everything... now there's a smart makeup mirror.

Read the full article below from USA Today, but here's how I see it - in a nutshell:


  • This smart mirror features settings that allow you to simulate the lighting scenarios you'll be in (office, evening, daytime, etc) for specific make up application needs. Love that!
  • Skin analysis (fine lines, discoloration etc) keeps you aware so you can treat your skin proactively - and stat on top of your game.
  • From my perspective, it seems like the storage of old photos and developments might help you recognize if a questionable spot is new or changing. Who knows, if you see something that wasn't there before (for example), it might trigger you to call your dermatologist for expert analysis.


  • Is this good for the psyche? Plain old magnifying mirrors are notorious for causing the most beautiful women to freak out and run into their doctors' offices for Botox, laser, you-name-it, to treat tiny 'imperfections' they see on the mag-setting at home. While Botox and laser of course have their benefits, it's the freak-out state that could be caused by constant reminders and updates on your new age spot could cause insecurity like, on a daily basis. This would be a definite CON.
  • Omg, why do we need YouTube DIY's playing in our mirror?? Granted, there are a lot of jems and pearls of knowledge out there on good old YouTube. But it's also very diluted and there is a whole lot of junk. The last thing I would want is for this to be playing at me in my bathroom while I'm getting ready. I can't imagine my smart, well informed patients and clients doing the same, either.

Read all about it here:

From USA Today: A CES Innovation Award winner and available to test-drive at SXSW, HiMirror is the world’s first “smart mirror” that provides personalized beauty and health feedback by analyzing your face. Simply wave your hand in front of the mirror or use voice control, and thanks to the camera and cloud-based image processing algorithm, you’ll receive real-time skincare analysis – including comments on wrinkles and fine lines, complexion, dark circles, spots and pores.Based on your skin condition, HiMirror displays custom DIY YouTube tutorials on the mirror itself. Advice is also based on how your skin looks over time, with stored photos of you in its internal memory.

Along with the basic HiMirror model ($189), HiMirror Plus ($259) also adds LED makeup lighting that can simulate varying environmental settings – such as sunny outdoors, brightly-lit office, restaurant, and supermarket, to name a few – to help you properly apply makeup for the occasion. The Plus model also adds more local storage (for more photos or more users) and a faster Wi-Fi connection.


Is it a perfect new edition to the slew of tech products already on your home wifi network, or just way too much media? I'll be interested to see what else we can 'stay connected with' as more new products make their way to the market.

And until next time, stay fabulous, my friends!

3 Fast Facts: Obagi C Clarifying Serum

I started 3 fast facts because I could go on forever about some of these products... which can make writing about them a little daunting.  Instead of overthinking (and therefore procrastinating), I'll just use this category to finally touch on some of my favorite products & three reasons you might love them too! 

Obagi C-Clarifying Serum

Obagi C-Clarifying Serum

What can I say except: WOW. This little powerhouse is amazing, and the only of its kind on the market.

Obagi C-Clarifying Serum: With Marketing like this, how could it NOT be fabulous?? at theProductPro.wordpress.com

➢ Fact 1:

The first and only:

Its unique formula features 10% Vitamin C combined with prescription strength 4% Hydroquinone, the Gold standard treatment for dark spots and discoloration. Prescription strength means that the product is able to penetrate the dermal layers to reduce the over-activity of melanosomes.

Translation: Not only will the Vitamin C work to lighten and brighten, but the power of RX lighteners are in your corner too. It's really under-rated, in my opinion: This product is not only neutralizing free radicals and protecting the skin, improving the appearance of age spots and hyperpigmentation! What more could you want??

➢ Fact 2:

It works. And Fast:

In studies, this product was mostly observed effective at about 4 weeks. In reality, I observe patients (and on my own skin!) notice changes much faster than that. Some people swear up-and-down that they see significant lightening and brightening as soon as a few days! Expect results to continue to get better for up to 4 months. The prevention benefit will continue beyond that, as long as you're still using it.

➢ Fact 3:

Two sizes fit most:

Originally (way back) only available in one formula, this serum is now-a-days available in two 'flavors': Normal to Dry and Normal to Oily, they've thought of everyone here! It will help treat multiple kinds of darkened skin:

  •  Freckles
  • Age spots
  • Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (the 'stain' that's left over after a blemish for example)
  • Melasma


Until Next Time, Stay Fabulous, My Friends!

Before and After: My Obagi Transformation

I think the Spring season gets a lot of credit for renewal and transformation, but Fall is really when I (and clients/patients alike) really get in the mood for change. The summer can be a time when we drop off of our strict regimens and become a bit lax... with schedules, eating, bedtime, skin care, and who-knows-what else. In my opinion, there seems to be something about the changing colors, the crispy air, and the earlier nightfall that seems to make us all think: 'OK, these summer freckles are bothering me. Time for a change', or 'Hey!! I'm suddenly interested in regimented self-care again'. I myself jumped back onto full time Obagi use a couple of weeks ago, and I thought I would share my slightly embarrassing before and after pictures from my first time using the Obagi Nu Derm system. (about 7 or 8 years ago)

Screen Shot 2013-09-04 at 11.48.57 AM

I had some issues, as you can see. It's especially tough to have skin trouble when you are a professional aesthetician. After all, how are you supposed to recommend treatments and products for your practice's patients when your own skin is terrible??

Notice the acne, the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (red spots left-over from acne), melasma (patchy-brown above my lip and on my forehead), freckles, and uneven tone.

I used the Nu Derm system with tretinoin .1% (hardcore!!) religiously for 18 weeks, followed by a maintenance regimen. What a life-changing transformation this was for me! I am so thankful for this line, and have many, many happy clients who would agree.

So if you are in the mood for change yourself, join me in fall transformation! Start using that night-time product instead of falling asleep on the couch at night, jump into that Zumba class, or finally organize your closet by color; whatever blows your hair back! :)

Check out Obagi Medical's website here to learn more about nu derm, and until next time: Stay Fabulous My Friends!