My friends are going to Vegas... Here is the product they NEED to be using 

In honor of my friends' upcoming trip to Vegas, I thought I would share my recommendation for anti-aging during the summer in a hot climate... And what product I loaded them up with to make their trip as skin-safe as possible.

It turns out that infrared radiation will absolutely zap your collagen and put your skin into a free-radical frenzy, creating damage. Read about that in another post I wrote, here.

A new, important factor in everyday skin protection, IR-protection is *of course* especially important when you're planning a vacay. Infrared manifests itself as heat on the skin, so you could imagine the havoc that hanging out poolside in Vegas could create.




Here's what I loaded them up with for their suitcases (also in mine when I was there in May for the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery meetings!):

SkinMedica’s Total Defense + Repair SPF 34 Tinted (also available without tint) my absolute summer go-to superscreen.  It features:

  • A cosmetically-elegant, easy-to use and wear consistency: creamy, but not greasy
  • A semi-matte finish offers light, complexion-flattering coverage
  • Tons of specially-formulated antioxidants for both UV and IR protection


Remember, it's important to protect from UV and IR on a daily basis, not just when you're sitting poolside. 

So give it a try this summer, don't forget to reapply, and until next time: stay fabulous, my friends!

These Villains are the Cause of Skin Damage, Part 3

If we want to look at our anti-aging practices from an informed and discerning perspective, it’s good to know what’s going on in there that causes wrinkles (and other not-so-fun manifestations of skin aging). So far, we know about three main things that happen in the skin when damage is caused. Click HERE for the 1st Villain I wrote about, Click HERE for the 2nd in the series. Read on for the 3rd biochemical phenomenon in my series:

Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)
AGE is a a conveniently-coincidental acronym for Advanced Glycation End-products, which are the evil little products of a reaction between glucose (sugar) and proteins... Specifically collagen and elastin in this case (glycation).
Yes, it tastes good, but excess sugar in your diet screws up more than just your waistline.
How does it cause aging? 
Glucose is good, of course, in the way of providing energy. But when there's extra glucose, it rumbles with our collagen and elastin. This process produces AGEs, which make these fibers crispy and easily breakable. This reaction contributes to inflammation, slowed/inhibited growth of cells, and wrinkles (oh my!).
To simplify, think of it as turning your normal, elastic rubber band-like fibers into an old, dried out and crumbly rubber band. When AGE's wreak havoc, your rubber bands are in an accelerated aging state, causing that loss of elasticity, sagging, and wrinkles.
You know all those old, crumbly rubber bands in the back of your desk drawer? That's your elastin after AGE's.
In an article for Prevention, dermatologist Dr Frederic Brandt (well-known for his research in AGE's) breaks it down further: "Besides damaging collagen, a high-sugar diet also affects what type of collagen you have—another factor in how resistant skin is to wrinkling... The most abundant collagens in the skin are types I, II, and III, with type III being the most stable and longest lasting. Glycation transforms type III collagen into type I, which is more fragile.
The article goes on to describe that "AGEs deactivate your body's natural antioxidant enzymes, leaving you more vulnerable to sun damage—still the main cause of skin aging."

yikes! What Now?
1) It's time to build some new Collagen. If you're not already, start using a Retinol or Retinoid.
My favorites for sensitive or dry types:
My favorites for resistant or oily skin types:
Rx Tretinoin .05 or Tretinoin .1 creams

2) Diet:
Cut down on simple sugars in your diet. From a dietary perspective, refined sugar seems to impact glycation about 10 times more than glucose.
Yup, just another reason... Sorry.
Judgmental cat seems judgmental, but he really just cares about your complexion.

3) Use topical antioxidants.
These guys are ONCE AGAIN a great way to cut down on all the domino effects of damage. . Click HERE to read more about them. 

4) Try a Targeted Treatment Cream: One of my fave go-to's is Skinceuticals AGE Interrupter. Give it a Go if you're in the market for a rich, cosmetically-elegant treatment cream.

And Until Next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!

These Villains are the cause of skin damage, Part 2

If we want to look at our anti-aging practices from an informed and discerning perspective, it's good to know what's going on in there that causes wrinkles (and other not-so-fun manifestations of skin aging). So far, we know about three main things that happen in the skin when damage is caused. Click HERE for the 1st Villain I wrote about. Here's the 2nd biochemical phenomenon in my series: •    The Villains: MMP's

MMPs: Don't let them get your collagen!! At

Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes -envision Pac-Man!- activated by inflammation.  Inflammation can be caused by elements like UV exposure and infrared radiation. MMPs are not cool because they contribute to the breakdown of collagen. And as if that wasn't bad enough... they also work to inhibit new collagen formation.

For a scholarly article type of resource, check out this white paper on The National Center for Biotechnology Information website. They say Matrix-degrading metalloproteinases are key mediators of collagen degradation that is observed in photoaged skin. Key mediators? Oh man!! Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 6.51.42 PM

Yikes! What to do now???

Don't freak out, its just one of the biochemical phenomena that results from CHRONIC damage and UV exposure. Let's be proactive about this...  Since we know MMPs are expressed as a result of UV and IR, we have a shot at preventing by using great SPF and using antioxidants. Click here to read more about some of my fave go-to antioxidants. And stay tuned for another edition of Skin Damage Villains, coming soon!

Antioxidant products at

Until Next Time, Stay Fabulous (and Informed!) my friends!

3 Fast Facts: Skinceuticals CE Ferulic

I started 3 fast facts because I could go on forever about some of these products... which can make writing about them a little daunting.  Instead of overthinking (and therefore procrastinating), I'll just use this category to finally touch on some of my favorite products & three reasons you might love them too! 

Three Fast Facts About: Skinceuticals CE Ferulic

Skinceuticals CE Ferulic at

➢ Fact 1

This fantastic product is a topical antioxidant used to protect the skin from future damage, promote cell renewal, and increase the build of collagen. Distinguished Duke professor, faculty-member, chemist, and Dermatologist, Dr Sheldon Pinnell published more than 200 articles and studies on topical antioxidants.

Known (by me, at least!) as the grandfather of topical antioxidants, Dr Pinnell developed this product based on much of his research. This serum has gone on to become and remain the cornerstone of Skinceuticals collection. Dr Pinnell had formulated the perfect C Serum: the right PH, the right percentage of C, and the perfect C-stabilizers: Vitamin E and Ferulic acid.

This emollient-like serum can be perfect for normal-to-dry skin types. Side note: Most reviews on the product describe it as 'featherweight', but I find that most oily- types find it too heavy, likely because of the Vitamin E.

➢ Fact 2

I love this formulation in particular because of its reservoir effect: once it is in the skin, it stays there for about 3 days- which makes it great for sweating runners and outdoor-lovers. This also says to me: "It really gets in there!"

(Keep things consistent and apply every day though).

➢ Fact 3

It also reduces inflammation in UV-irradiated cells. Slather this on afterwards if you happen to get a sunburn on vacay in Barbados. (But I know you won't get a sunburn, right?!)

Here's a link to learn more about it (the science!)


Until Next time, Stay Fabulous, My Friends!

3 Fast Facts: Skinmedica TNS Essential Serum

I started 3 fast facts because I could go on forever about some of these products... which can make writing about them a little daunting.  Instead of overthinking (and therefore procrastinating), I'll just use this category to finally touch on some of my favorite products & three reasons you might love them too! 



Three Fast Facts About: SkinMedica TNS Essential Serum

This all in one product is a heavy hitter in the fight against skin damage!

➢ Fact 1


TNS Essential serum is product is used to correct, protect from future damage, promote cell renewal, smooth, lighten and increase collagen.

I personally call this fantastic product 'The Mercedes of anti-aging products'. Not only is there Vitamin C in here, but lots of other potent goodies, too. Users will benefit from ultra-high concentrations of growth factors, 7 antioxidants, peptides, and super-potent  alpha-arbutin for lightening and brightening.

➢ Fact 2


Antioxidants both ways:

The antioxidants found in Essential Serum include ergothionine, green tea extract, blackberry leaf extract, saccharomyces ferment filtrate, coenzyme Q-10, tocopheryl acetate (E) and tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate (lipid-soluble C), which are all free-radical fighters.

Just like SkinMedica's C & E Complex, there's a combo of water- and lipid-soluble antioxidants here.  This is good because the water-soluble antioxidants can weave down between skin cells. The lipid-soluble's are meant to actually enter the cell through its membrane. The two types of action here means that you're covering your bases and in for a better result.

➢ Fact 3

In a hurry?

Essential serum is essential for the gal (or guy) on the go. A combination of both the beloved TNS Recovery Complex and APS corrective complex in one. This super-covenient dual chamber packaging is like those toothpaste/gel combo pumps that pump out both products simultaneously. One pump and both the APS serum and the Recovery Complex are dispensed.

Oh, and for the instant-gratification lovers out there: hyalauronic acid plumping spheres are present in this all-in-one serum. Buh-bye, fine lines!


Check it out here

Until Next time, Stay Fabulous, My Friends!

3 Fast Facts: Skinmedica Vitamin C & E Complex

I started 3 fast facts because I could go on forever about some of these products... which can make writing about them a little daunting.  Instead of overthinking (and therefore procrastinating), I'll just use this category to finally touch on some of my favorite products & three reasons you might love them too! 



Three Fast Facts About: SkinMedica C & E Complex

This satin-finish antioxidant feels like a makeup primer

➢ Fact 1

This fantastic product is a topical antioxidant used to protect the skin from future damage, promotes cell renewal, and increases the build of collagen. Topical vitamin C's have been known to reduce inflammation (think rosacea and post-sun exposure) and brighten the skin. These are usually great for everybody with the exception of super oily skin types, and some very sensitive or fragile types.

➢ Fact 2

Usually Vitamin C is really unstable... always about to oxidize and bite the dust. In this case, the vitamins are suspended in a silicone (dimethicone suspension) base so they are gradually released throughout the day and won't oxidize. This assures that your product isn't weakened or *GASP* causing oxidation. This is an ANTI-OXIDANT, for goodness sake. But don't become oxidation paranoid, you're safe with this formula.

There are 2 forms of beneficial C in there, too... lipid soluble and water soluble. Covering our bases here.

➢ Fact 3

The above-mentioned dimethicone suspension is not just a great delivery system, it feels like an awesome makeup primer! This super-satin finish will make you look forward to applying it. Use it in the AM's to protect against the onslaught of free-radical threats that you'll meet in your day. Your skin will thank you for it!

Here's a link to learn more about it:


Until Next time, Stay Fabulous, My Friends!