So, I'm completely paranoid about bathing suit season. Let's face it... when you're just as nervous about skin cancer and premature aging as you are how your thighs look in a bikini, it's not a recipe for a care-free day. But that's where this little product entered into the story, and made my day at the beach much easier!
This innovative, sheer-oil formulation claims broad-spectrum SPF 30 or 50 (depending on which one you choose) AND makes your bikini-clad bod look less frightening with it's subtle glisten! (think: body builders... they must slather oil all over for a reason, right???) But this oil isn't super sticky or gross, like I would imagine hugging a body-builder to feel like- haha!
This product lacks offensive/overwhelming scents, and has a super fabulous price point of around $10. I plan to continue using this dewey, imperfection-blurring product on my neck and chest beyond summer season...
....and maybe even for competitions when I finally pursue my dream of bodybuilding.