You've got 700 hairsprays... continued

Last week, with the house up for sale, I began to address a question that plagues many product junkies: How will I ever hide/display all my products, makeup, and endless beauty paraphernalia so it doesn't look as though a mad scientist lives here? Here are a few more ideas that make my product obsession live-able, some in the big-bucks range, some in the budget-friendly department:

Elfa Closets:

Thanks for ruining me on 'normal' closets FOREVER, Elfa!Elfa Closets from the Container Store made the bigger closets in the house look clean and organized. Are you familiar? These customized organizers are TOTAL game-changers. The high quality drawers and shelving make you WANT to arrange everything neatly …and then stand back to admire your work like, “Dang, I’m good.” (by the way, check out my re-purposed Nordstrom boxes to hide yes, -products- and less display-worthy clothing items. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, people!)

Anyway, with the closets I chose ranging from $500-$800-ish per closet, I had to forgo installing everywhere... So I had to get creative with product storage in the linen closets:

Maser Bathroom Linen Closet at the Product Pro's placeHere is my master bath linen closet. Products that are higher up are reachable with lazy-susans from the kitchen section at Bed Bath and Beyond. I have a 2-tiered LS on the top shelf, and also a small one under the sink.:



Also notice the cute white BISLEY drawers at the bottom.


This is my new favorite organizer. The drawers open and close smoothly and products don’t roll around inside. I bought 3 of these originally, one in file cabinet size, this one, and a small one- originally meant for the office. Remember- its all about thinking outside the box! Can’t figure out how to store something in your bathroom or office? Check the kitchen section, and vice versa.

These organizer drawers are just a little too little...Here are some small organizer drawers from the container store in the garage section. Really though, these tiny drawers are cramping my style a bit... just a touch small for as many products as I'm trying to store- but maybe good if you sew, or I dunno... collect buttons or something???

Good luck to your VISA, by the way, if you get excited about Elfa or Bisley. These solutions are not the cheapest options, but you can make it up by spending less somewhere else, like here:

Holla! (these are from the dollar store)This is a shot from my hallway linen closet. These baskets are from the dollar store! Yes, the dollar store! Ok, not loving the color as much, but the varying sizes and super cheap price-point make me like them a little more... I guess they can't ALL be Elfa. (yet!)

So keep your eyes open in unlikely departments and happy shopping:  Product Organization can be had with an $800 closet or an $8 closet!

Product Storage: You've got 700 Hairsprays. Now What?

This last week has been a whirlwind. Not only did we list our house for sale, but we had 3 showings AND an open house within 30 hours of listing. As a product junkie, its an understatement to say that a few things had to be tidied up. But I wondered: How will I ever hide/display all of my endless beauty paraphernalia so people don’t walk out of the house wondering if a mad scientist lives here?

In my next few entries, I’ll share some cheap, cute, and/or creative solutions I came up with to make being a product junkie live-able AND conducive to selling a home:

To start, here is my home spa room on the lower level of the house, home to a zillion skin care products:Image

Baskets? Sure, they're cute... but not so creative OR cheap (typically). I needed lots of them in this case, and these little guys came CHEAP in packs of 4 or 5 from Ikea. If I did it again though, I might go with THESE which my mom loves for her office storage. I love how clean they look and IKEA has the best prices for the quality (2-packs in varying sizes for $6.99).

The silver metal case on the shelf is really the AWESOME find in this post. It's from a store called Harbor Freight Tools. Baskets from Ikea, and one of the Aluminum cases I got at Harbor Freight

Baskets from Ikea, and one of the Aluminum cases I got at Harbor Freight

Those who know me may think it’s weird for me to be randomly shopping in this dollar-store-version of a Home Depot, but I resent spending big bucks on utilitarian items. I look at it this way: the more I save here, the more I can spend on skincare and handbags. Right??

Anyway, this aluminum case is perfect to store and travel with makeup, paint/paintbrushes, skincare, and tools too -if you’re into that kind of thing!-  and comes with adjustable dividers and a shoulder strap. Style-wise, it could be a cousin of my expensive Sephora Brand Aluminum makeup kit. It doesn’t feel as high quality as others, but you just can’t beat the price- I actually bought 4! Harbor Freight also offers ‘20% off one item’ coupons, so if you’re stocking up, sign up for their mailing list.

This brings up a good point (if I do say so myself): when you’re looking for a solution, try to think outside the box, or at least try not to default to the most convenient solution.

Here's what I mean: in a casual google search just now, a metal 36" ruler at Dick Blick is $11.25. Then there's our friend Ace, who carries one for $4.49.Image

Of course, sometimes you get what you pay for, and there are always exceptions.

Many times, makeup and skin care supply/storage can often be found where you're not looking for it: in the kitchen section of a store or maybe the Dollar Spot at Target. You could even re-purpose that collection of fabulous boxes you accumulated when you were on that Louis Vuitton kick (oh, maybe that was just me) but you get the idea...IMG_1174

So the next time you're looking for a storage solution or a new supply, look around and see what you can re-purpose, and keep your eyes open for the less-likely solution. Getting creative may just make your life easier without spending all of your shopping money!