Real Before-and-After Photos - E Experiments: SkinMedica's HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator

It's no secret around the office that I am totally obsessed with SkinMedica's blend of five different forms of HA. Why The obsession, you ask? 1. While other hyaluronic acid serums will deliver a superficial plumping effect by binding water in the skin, they are short lived. Typical HA's only have a lifespan of 2 to 4 hours. SkinMedica's R+D geniuses took care to stabilize these HA's, which means all-day and long-term hydration for you.

2. Key Words: "Rejuvenating Hydrator": yes, applying this magical photoshop-in-a-bottle will create a visible, instant gratification perfection-increase. But aside from the right-now smoothing/plumping effect, this powerhouse serum features a brand new antioxidant, peptides, and polysaccharides which will actually stimulate your skin to produce its own HA after continued use.

3. These photos: the below photos are the result of simply tapping HA5 on top of existing makeup, in the office.

Elapsed time: 40 minutes for one set, 4 hours for the other (whoops, we had a pretty crazy clinic day). Anyway, I'll think you'll agree that these results are remarkable!

*no retouching was performed and no filters were used in any way.

Here's what happens almost instantly when we restore the hydration with HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator: 

SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator Serum product review before and after photos by Elizabeth Weiler

SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator Serum product review before and after photos by Elizabeth Weiler

SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator Serum product review before and after photos by Elizabeth Weiler

SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator Serum product review before and after photos by Elizabeth Weiler

SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator Serum product review before and after photos by Elizabeth Weiler

SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator Serum product review before and after photos by Elizabeth Weiler

Here's the background on HA: Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is our skin's natural moisture. We started out making tons of it, but as damage accumulates with age and our cellular turnover process slows down, we make less and less of it. In fact, it's said that between the ages of 40-50, your skin has lost 50% of the HA it had at age 20!

Known as a "Fountain Of Youth" molecule, HA is super important in the skin to bind water, holding moisture in. HA is also naturally present in our joints for lubrication, and found in many injectable fillers, too. Thanks to the awesome new antioxidants and 5 different kinds of HA in HA5, short-lived temporary gratification from basic/other Hydrating serums is becoming obsolete. ...WELCOME TO THIS!

If you add my fave HA5 to your regimen, you'll get awesome instant gratification with the added benefit of long-term improvement... and I think you'll be obsessed with it, too!

Click here for more on the long-and-short of the results from HA5 and the technology that sets this product-hero apart from other HA serums.

And until next time, stay fabulous my friends!

If you need to look REALLY good for something, you need to put THIS on 15 minutes before... 

Ok, I'll admit it: I have a smidge of an obsession going on with my favorite product for hydrating: SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator. This photoshop-in-a-bottle might just be your new best friend, too.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA): The Fountain Of Youth Molecule

HA is a naturally-occurring, water-loving, water-binding element. The presence of HA, and the ability to create our skin's own HA, is depleted over time with age and skin damage. When we have more HA, fine lines are smoothed, dryness is relieved, and loss of moisture is prevented. The right HA is not only essential to your skin looking fabulous, it's also essential to long-term skin health.

Imagine there's a sponge underneath the top layer of your skin. Imagine that it shrinks as we get older, reducing our ability to hold water in the skin. No matter what moisturizer you use, the amount of water your skin can hold on to is not what it was. We need to restore and replenish that sponge, it's been getting dry and crispy over time.

HA5: What will it do for me?

When you add a concentrated, stabilized HA Serum to your routine, it will amplify skin’s water content and prevent loss of hydration, reducing the look of crow’s feet, folds, laugh lines, marionette lines, and other 'textures of life'. The result? You have smoother, firmer skin, and you look Ah-mazing. Check out some before and after pictures on real people here.

...But when that HA Serum is SkinMedica's HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator, the improvement is not just temporary. Remember that above-referenced 'sponge' (above)? After several weeks of use, you will notice a change in your skin each day: your 'sponge' is healthier, holding onto more water than before, and making its own HA! Because, while instant gratification is awesome, who doesn't want to look really good every day??

This amazing product boasts five different forms of HA, all with different tasks:

Time Release HA: A SkinMedica® proprietary, sustained release of HA (HA all day!)

Sodium Hyaluronate: For immediate hydration (instant gratification)

Uncross-linked HA: For smoothness and hydration

Nano HA: Soothes skin (great for those with sensitive skin)

Cross-Linked HA: Provides long-lasting hydration for up to 8 hours (most HA serums zonk out at 2-4 hours)


Soothing, calming, smoothing, an instant smoothing effect AND long-lasting hydration.

Instant Gratification

Really: if you put this on at least 15-20 minutes before you have to look really fabulous, you will notice a visible improvement in fine lines and textures. When we demonstrate it in the office, I'll apply it to one side of a patient's face. By the time they leave the office, there is a very noticeable difference between the two sides. HA5 demonstrated in the office: I tapped it on over her existing makeup, photos are not enhanced or retouched. (Elapsed time: approximately 40 min)

HA All Day (and beyond!) 

Here's the best part: HA5 features VITISCENCE™ antioxidant technology, (this is exclusive to SkinMedica). These new and potent antioxidants will actually support long-term skin health and your skin’s ability to replenish its own HA.‬

Who Is It Good For?

All skin types: including normal, dry, mature, oily, acne-prone, sensitive and fragile.

How Do I Use It?

Apply 2 pumps of SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator as the last step of your skin care regimen before a moisturizer both AM and PM.

  • If you use a moisturizer/sunscreen combo: it would go on just under that.
  • If you are a serum-user, apply your serum first, then your HA5, followed by your moisturizer and/or sunscreen.

Real Patient Comments from our office:

“You feel like you’re doing your skin a favor… and as time goes on, the more favors you can do for it, the better!”

“It’s a treat for myself every day”
..."it feels ‘soft’, ‘smooth’ and feels so light, while still ‘feeling moisturized".

After using it for a while, many patients remark that they don’t have that tight-feeling after cleansing, and don't feel that immediate need to throw something on fast to alleviate tightness.

Looking to join the #nofilter-selfie-HA5-fanclub (<get one for yourself)?

Authentic HA5 is only available through authorized physician's offices:  you can find a physician near you by clicking here.

And if you're around the Chicagoland area, give us a call at our office! Skincare consultations and Shipping on products are both complimentary... we would love to help you get started on HA5:

DMG Aesthetics - Dr. Daniel G. Danahey GLEN ELLYN, IL 630-545-7840

Learn more about HA5 on SkinMedica's site by clicking here. 

...And in the meantime: stay fabulous (and hydrated!) my friends!

TheProductPro Blog has been featured on Bangstyle!

I just got word that THIS very blog has been featured on Bangstyle! Bangstyle, House of Hair Inspiration, is a very cool Pinterest-meets-shopping, saving, and informative articles app and website "for the hair obsessed". Thanks, Bangstyle!

The Product Pro blog written by Elizabeth Weiler of Chicago iLCheck out the article on Bangstyle Here

And Check out the original post (on Wordpress) here And until next time, stay fabulous, my friends!

Anti-Aging: We've been missing something

As a skin care professional, I'll admit that the first (and sometimes only) anti-aging recommendations I default to are the usual suspects: Retinoids, sunscreen, growth factors, antioxidants, and a smorgasbord of treatments to prevent and treat wrinkles. But with so much focus (from me, from like, everyone) on anti-aging of the skin, what about the hair?? Perhaps it's that hair anti-aging hasn't been a focus from a technology standpoint until recently. But technology IS catching up in this category, as I recently learned in a lecture featuring speaker Brian Hendricks, VP of Global Education for DS Laboratories. By the way, "DS" stands for Divine Skin. This organization is certainly speaking my language.

“The future expectation of hair care will not be to simply clean, condition, and style the hair.  Rather, products will be designed to protect, stimulate, and manipulate actual hair growth to achieve the best hair of your life.  DS Laboratories has already set this standard with stunning results.” says Hendricks.

Here's what I learned:

As we age, the hair follicles shrink, harden, and weaken -Oh GREAT. We have the best hair of our lives at our follicular peak around the age of 19. Stop and think about it: have you seen a elderly woman with flowing, long locks lately? Well, I haven't. And while weekly roller sets might also be a convenience when you're 90, it's true that the potential for mermaid hair at that age is little to none.

Hair Anti Aging at TheProductPro.wordpress.comSo, is there potential for keeping the hair at its peak, restoring, or even maintaining where it is presently? There is, with recent developments in technology. And, with the help of stimulants, anti-inflammatories, and nutrient delivery, says Hendricks. The unique line of products from DS Laboratories, including Revita Shampoo and Revita COR Conditioner give the follicles a fighting chance.

Hair Anti Aging at

Here are some of the benefits: •Stimulants: No, we're not talking Rogaine here. Multiple stimulants including caffeine in DS Laboratories' Revita line can stimulate the follicles into action for length and volume!

Anti-inflammatories: Anti-inflammatories rescue the follicles from arguably the Number 1 cause of aging: Inflammation.

•Antioxidants: Antioxidants like Spin Traps, one of the most potent (and expensive!) antioxidant molecules available on the market neutralize free radical damage, a serious offender in the aging process for hair AND skin. •Nutrient Delivery: One word: Biospheres. Just like skincare, once we've identified beneficial ingredients, the challenge lies in how to get them where they need to go. Biospheres magnetically attach the active ingredients to the skin on the scalp so they keep working. Rest assured these powerful products are not just rinsing down the drain - they're even working while swimming or working out!

Beauty AND Brains: Aside from all the great science, these products make your hair look and feel glorious starting from the first time you use them. I speak from experience.

Says Jessica Taylor, Regional Brand Manager for DS Laboratories, "We are all on the pursuit of perfection, and a fusion of hair and skin care is what will get us there. (With products) filled with antioxidants, amino acids & anti-aging components, science can be sexy too."

And who doesn't love that??

Until Next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!

Acne: 6 ways to Troubleshoot when you're breaking out

Trouble-shooting causes of acne and breakouts is one of my favorite things to do. It's a fun challenge, like trying to solve a mystery. I'll always start by asking LOTS of questions, and keep it up until we get an ah-ha moment. Below is a list of some of the things I ask patients about. If you're having trouble with acne, try troubleshooting your routines and products.

1) Liquid Makeup It's a mean cycle: you break out, so you need to cover up. But liquids and creamy formulas can contribute to congestion, causing another breakout. Remember that oil is sticky, and in an acne scenario, dead skin cells and debris are already getting glued down with oil. Frequently, more coating on the surface can cause more congestion and breakouts.

Contrary to popular belief, there are mineral powder foundations that deliver high coverage. My faves for great coverage without contributing to acne:

Tip: Try a liquid foundation brush with these powders to lay down more opacity/ coverage where you need it. 

2) Over-Extraction

Not every blackhead or follicular deposit is going to cause issues. And that little tiny blemish won't actually ruin your day. If you tend to break out, Hands Off!

See an esthetician for a pro extraction and ask for a conservative session. Hard truth to swallow: If you break out after a facial, (or home extraction) it might be because of over-stimulation... NOT because the skin is "purging" - an idea you'll hear suggested from time to time. Bring post-facial-breakout feedback to your skin care pro and they can adjust appropriately for your next treatment.IMG_9357

Tip: The use of Tretinoin, retinol, or another treatment product recommended by your doctor or esthetician can act as a pre-treatment and make extractions easier on you... and your facialist.

3) Benzoyl Peroxide and Spot Treating:

Benzoyl Peroxide is a great acne treatment. However, it works as a preventative by killing off pimples in the early stage. (Zits can take up to 90 days to form). Sometimes we feel like it helps as a spot treatment because it can be drying to an acne lesion, but you're doing yourself a disservice if you're not applying it all over. My favorite BPO is in the Obagi Clenziderm System because it's a solubilized BPO, not a micro-crystal (like other BPO). It's 1/10,000th the size of a standard BPO crystal - this means it penetrates most effectively into the follicle. Give it a try!

4) Bar Soap:

I've never met a bar of soap that I liked. Picture a bar of soap: waxy and skin-coating, dry-looking, or simply sitting in a little pool of water getting mushy: whatever it is, we just don't get along- and neither should you.

Two things about bar soap:

1) Just to physically get it into bar-form, the pH here has to be higher than other formulations like creams, gels, or liquids. This means that they can be more drying. Lets not freak out your skin any more than we need to.

2) Bacteria likes to live on bars of soap. Doctors don't seem too concerned with this from a disease-proliferating perspective (washing your hands with bar soap seems to be fine), but if we're trouble-shooting, we're trouble-shooting. I say, use a liquid, non-soap cleanser instead.

5) Use of Topical Vitamin C:

Topical Vitamin C's are great as a brightening product and anti-aging measure, but you should avoid this one when troubleshooting breakouts. In my experience, vitamin C's are not always acne-friendly and are not often recommended for those who break out easily.

That being said, Vitamin C's are great to lighten acne marks (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or PIH) from old breakouts.  If you currently have active acne, get your breakouts under control first, and then consider choosing a formula meant for all or oily skin types. I prefer Phloretin CF for oily types. 

6) Makeup Sponges

If you're breaking out, ditch the sponges - they harbor bacteria. If you are currently in the sponge club, really, try brushes! You can get much better coverage and get much more mileage out of your makeup. Just be sure to clean them regularly.

My favorite brush cleaners are:

IMG_9322Tip:  If you HAVE to use a sponge, grab a bag of disposable wedges, snip them in half (so you get double the use) and throw them out EACH TIME you use them.

If you've exhausted these possibilities and you're still having trouble, see your dermatologist. They will troubleshoot further and might look at additional factors like hormones.  They might also prescribe a topical or oral medication as well.

Until next time, stay fabulous my friends!

Drug store shout out: A Great Way to Reapply

  Spotted on shelves at Whole Foods, Fruitfull Yield and healthstores near you, a high-quality, good buy for re-application -  Spotted on shelves at Whole Foods, Fruitfull Yield and healthstores near you, a high-quality, good buy for re-applicationWe hear it all the time: reapply, reapply, reapply.

SPF (regardless of the sun protection factor... SPF 10, 15, 30, three-zillion, whatever) begins to break down minutes after you put it on. This is especially true when swimming or sweating.

But what about the SPF you put on your face in the morning? Many of us will put make up on over that, and go on with our day, unable or unwilling to slather creamy stuff all over to reapply.


Here's a great way to reapply without the goop: Mineral SPF 30 Brush-On Sun Defense.

My original mineral brush-on loves are Colorescience Sunforgettable and Peter Thomas Roth, but if you're not in the mood to shell out $30-$64, this is a theProductPro-approved budget-friendly version!

This great mineral spf buy ($16.99-$19.99, depending on where you buy it) is a Paraben-free, 100% vegan, and non-chemical sunscreen that looks good on many skin types.

Try keeping it in your handbag and dust on the backs of your hands, face, neck, and chest before hopping in your car to drive home from the office. Or, use it to reapply while out and about.

The Mineral Fusion website has a 15% off coupon right now if you sign up for emails, but they seem to be low on stock, depending on when you check for it. If you're the instant gratification-type, pick it up at a health food store, Amazon, or an Ulta near you!

Until Next time, Stay Fabulous my friends!