Before and After: my Halo Laser Treatment Results!

While it's a little embarrassing to reveal what my complexion looked like before, the results are TOO GOOD to not to share. Here are the before-and-after Visia Imager photos from my Halo Resurfacing. (no foundation/concealer, moisturizer, or anything on the skin in either pic). I've been meaning to share these for a while, I am SO happy with my results! What is Halo? Halo laser is the first of it's kind: a hybrid (ablative and non-ablative) fractionated laser. Translation: 2 different wavelengths of laser fire off at the exact same time. Down-time is a fraction of any other fractionated laser out there-  (you can wear makeup out the door) - and the results are exponentially better from my perspective. It's almost like having double the treatment with amazingly little social downtime, if any.

If you are on the fence about this procedure, I would urge you to go for it.

My before and after: 6 months after 2 Halo Laser  Resurfacing Treatments at Erickson Dermatology in ChicagoMy Results: a reduction of pore size, almost no breakouts anymore, reduction in discoloration and hyperpigmentation, a tightening of the skin, improvement in texture and a noticeable glow or luminosity... probably why they called it Halo.

My before and after: 6 months after 2 Halo Laser  Resurfacing Treatments at Erickson Dermatology in ChicagoMy Plan: Moving forward, I plan to get a Halo once a year to maintain- now that my skin is so improved, I'm spoiled!

Check out Halo at Erickson Dermatology here

and click here to see more Halo Before and After's

Until Next time, stay fabulous, my friends!


How To: Vinegar Soaks for Post-Procedure Skin

I thought it might be helpful to post a 'How-To' guide for a Vinegar Soak, a gentle way to care for delicate Post-Laser skin. White Vinegar's not-too-acidic acidity can gently cleanse the skin without causing irritation, and the cool, gentle solution is great for calming and cooling the skin when you just feel, well, Post-Procedure. Here I am after laser resurfacing. My skin is awesome now, but when I took this photo, I was in dire need of a vinegar soak and a weekend in the house! =)Step 1: 

Measure out 1/3 cup of WHITE vinegar.

Step 1: Measure your white vinegar. I love to use my pyrex for this process.Step 2: Meanwhile, boil 4 cups water (to assure it's clean)

How To: Vinegar Soak for Post Procedure Skin

Step 3: Combine and refrigerate until chilled.

How To: Vinegar Soak for Post Procedure Skin Tip: I love to use my pyrex measuring cups, especially for the last step. Once the solution is cooled, I will store it covered, pouring out small amounts for use when I need it. That way I never contaminate the batch.

Step 4: With clean hands, dip lint-free cotton pads or soft gauze into the solution and gently dab the skin. This feels great as a cool compress, too.

Once I cleanse the skin gently by dabbing, I'll use new/fresh pads soaked in the solution to drape over the skin while I kick back for a while. It feels great to cool off and relax while you imagine how beautiful your skin is going to look. Ahhhhhh. 

Step 5: Apply your post-treatment skin care products as directed

Always follow the instructions given to you by your doctor's office! And until next time, stay fabulous, my friends!

Playing With MicroLaserPeel

Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to experiment with Sciton's Profractional Laser Technology, Sciton's BBL, and Sciton's MicroLaserPeel treatment. I was pretty excited about the versatility of the MicroLaserPeel. This  resurfacing laser treatment is fully customizable, and can fall anywhere in social downtime (ie, pinkness/sensitivity afterwards) between a REALLY effective microdermabrasion and a huge, intense laser treatment. Here's what can be treated with MicroLaserPeel:

• Wrinkles and Skin Texture

• Scars

• Keratosis

• Sun damage (including freckles)

• Pigment irregularities

Almost any skin areas can be treated, but the most popular treatment areas are the face, neck, chest and hands.

MicroLaserPeel (also sometimes called a NanoPeel, or a Weekend Peel) is an erbium laser treatment that removes a thin layer of damaged skin to improve texture and provide a more youthful appearance. It's pretty great because it can be administered with great precision of depth, like if you only have one afternoon for social-downtime. The procedure is performed in your physician’s office and is pretty great because it can be custom tailored to your specific skin concerns, and most importantly: How much time you have to spare for social downtime. That, and it can be combined with other laser procedures at the same visit to maximize your results.

The depth is measured in microns, so a 10 Micron laser Peel is much lighter than a 20, which would require some social downtime. Here's how you could look at it: A series of microdermabrasions (like maybe 6 treatments) can equal one treatment of a 10 micron MicroLaserPeel.

Here's a great video of a demonstration.You'll see the MicroLaserPeel’s beam being scanned over a treatment area to remove the very thin layer of the skin. As the skin heals, fresh cells grow and resurface the treated area. The result is healthier-looking skin, often with reduced wrinkles and improved tone. Patients often say that it looks like their skin went from looking 'tired' to fab.

 Here's the same day before and after pictures of my hand after (from top to bottom) a 4 Micron Peel, an 8 Micron Peel, and a 10 Micron Peel. (translation: Super-Light to Light)

Screen Shot 2014-03-09 at 8.34.34 PMI felt totally fine (no discomfort AT ALL), and the texture on my left hand actually looked and felt smoother and healthier than the right hand, almost right away.  I was surprised how audible the laser sound was, and how comfortable it was. I really didn't feel much at all! Can't wait to offer this treatment to our patients, I think they'll love it!

Until Next time: Stay fabulous My Friends!