Chicago's Most Recent Solta Medical Laser Symposium... where technology meets fabulocity.

Image Last week, Chicago Physicians and Clinicians attended Solta Medical's most recent Laser Symposium, where we learned about the most recent advancements in Liposonix fat-reduction (reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue) via HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound), Fraxel re:pair (treatment of wrinkles, furrows, pigmented lesions, vascular dyschromia) Thermage (classic non-invasive treatment of wrinkles) Fraxel DUAL 1550/1927 (sun spots age spots, AK's, melasma, peri-orbital wrinkles and scars) Clear + Brilliant (general skin resurfacing) and Isolaz (acne). WHEW!

Needless to say, there was plenty to absorb... and I had a cramp in my hand from taking notes even before the main course was served. I think with all the constant advancements in technology (especially in our industry), no matter WHAT your role is in your office: we are ALL always learning and growing!

It was an honor to be there, learning alongside some of Chicago's greatest!

Until next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!

Liposonix: Giving Chicago a kick in the butt... actually, the abdomen

Last night in Chicago, Dr Steven Bloch (of BodyByBloch in Highland Park and Glenview) taught area physicians and their staff a thing or two about Liposonix at the Solta Medical Laser Symposium. The Liposonix system uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (They call it HIFU) energy. It was very, very interesting! HIFU is being used in this application to non-invasively destroy targeted subcutaneous fat and deliver slimming (of 1 inch on average) results after a single, one-hour session.

Solta, the makers of Liposonix say " One Treatment, One Hour, One Inch..." (click for a vid)

Dr Steven Bloch schooled us last night on Liposonix's fat-fighting philosophies

Results are usually seen in 8 to 12 weeks (which is the time needed for the body to naturally process the treated fat). So, just make sure to weigh in at the same weight before you make any judgement calls. Many offices in the room have already been using it- and they all agreed that it works! Here's the Liposonix Website if you're interested. 

Hmmmm... but give up SHOPPING? ....Really?!?

Oh, and here's an interesting tidbit: To quantify the extent of the desire to lose fat in the waist area, Solta Medical sponsored “The State of Love Handles in America” nationwide survey of more than 1,000 women. They released survey findings that include:

  • 62% of women say the part of their body they are most uncomfortable with is their tummy/love handles.
  • 45% claim they would give up sex for one year to lose an inch.
  • 66% would give up chocolate for one year to lose an inch.
  • 75% would give up clothes shopping for one year to lose an inch.

SHOPPING though, you guys?!? Really???

Until next time, stay fabulous my friends!