Anti-Aging: A new reason why you need more than just UV protection

Fact: UV isn't the only cause of skin aging from the sun... You need protection from IR, too.

That's right: Just when you thought you had it the whole anti-aging thing down, science is showing we have more than UV radiation to worry about: infrared radiation (IR or IRA)

What is infrared?

IR makes up more than half of the solar spectrum. IR penetrates deeper into the skin than UV rays. -This is a scary thought, because  well, deeper in the skin means more damage to the skin. img_3319

"Infrared radiation lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared waves have wavelengths longer than (the) visible ... the primary source of infrared radiation is heat or thermal radiation... The higher the temperature, the more the atoms and molecules move and the more infrared radiation they produce."

...According to California Institute of Technology's Read the whole article here 

IR manifests itself as heat on the skin, so when you're outside and you're feeling the heat, IR is doing it's evil work on your subcutaneous layers.

So, what does this mean for your skin??

Basically, THIS: (see pic)


IR causes free-radical production deep in the skin, essentially cooking the skin, causing free radicals to form, creating damage, hyperpigmentation, and of course: wrinkles. See my post on Free Radicals here.

What can you do?

It takes anti-oxidants to neutralize damage, along with broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect. A couple of my fave go-to "superscreens" combine the two for you:

SkinMedica's Total Defense + Repair line features cosmetically-elegant superscreens in both tinted and not-tinted versions. I love this one.

Another newer and fabulous superscreen is Obagi's Sun Shield TINT SPF 50, providing a matte finish and two shades to choose from: Cool and Light.


These easy-to use IR-defense products are making it easy to protect from UV and IR on a daily basis.

Check them out, give them a try this summer, and until next time: stay fabulous, my friends!

The Skincare Ingredient You Didn't Know You Were Missing

Neocutis has long been known as a skin care leader for their innovations in growth factor technology. (Read more about that here)  The newest NEOCUTIS skin care line, MICRO•ESSENTIALS, is now available - and after weeks of experimentation, I can confidently say: I'm nuts about it. This brand new class of anti-aging brings a new addition ingredient to skin care - So what IS the newest thing, you ask?

The short answer: A brand new blend of peptides.

The short answer, explained: Inspired by matrikine technology, MPC™ (Micro Protein Complex) uses a new blend of peptides to help defend against and correct the visible signs of skin aging.

What will these fancy peptides actually do for me, you ask?

  • They stimulate Collagen 1, 3, and 7 (7 is the kind way deep down there, helping with "foundational" support of the skin. Think firm!)
  •  They stimulate your own production of Hylauronic Acid (HA). HA might sound familiar, it's a popular ingredient in moisturizers, hydrating serums, and fillers like Juvederm and Restylane. It'll keep your skin plump and hydrated.
  • They stimulate elastin synthesis. This is exciting, there's not many products/ingredients out there that'll do this.

The NEOCUTIS MICRO•ESSENTIALS line includes five products to help you kick butt in the anti-aging department:

MICRO•DAY™ Rejuvenating Cream:

  • Broad-spectrum Sunscreen with SPF 30
  • An all-in-one for the girl on the go, this moisturizing product also delivers anti-oxidant protection
  • Tinted and creamy, yet sheer and satiny consistency is lovely to apply and great for most all skin types

MICRO•NIGHT™ Rejuvenating Cream 

  • Finally... A great anti-aging product that isn't too heavy, but still restores moisture. It's about time we had a new product in this category.
  • Smooths skin and improves firmness while you sleep.

MICRO•EYES™ Rejuvenating Cream 

  • If you like Lumiere, you'll LOVE this
  • alleviates the signs of fatigue
  • Light consistency, noticeable results
  • helps make the delicate skin around the eyes resistant to the signs of aging.
  • Safe to use on upper lids too! Woot!

MICRO•SERUM Intensive Treatment 

  • The Cadillac of the line, this glorious serum is the highest concentration of our new found peptide friends.
  • Absolutely lovely upon application, not sticky or goopy... Just elegant and enjoyable as it smoothed over skin.
  • goes beyond fine lines and wrinkles to address additional signs of aging, including elasticity, tone and texture.

MICRO•FIRM: Check out my post about this 5-star product here. I am head-over-heels for this awesome serum-meets-cream rejuvenating and firming intensive treatment!!

If you're interested in adding this new cutting-edge peptide to your regimen, find it at a doctors office near you! And in the meantime, stay fabulous, my friends!

These Villains are the Cause of Skin Damage, Part 3

If we want to look at our anti-aging practices from an informed and discerning perspective, it’s good to know what’s going on in there that causes wrinkles (and other not-so-fun manifestations of skin aging). So far, we know about three main things that happen in the skin when damage is caused. Click HERE for the 1st Villain I wrote about, Click HERE for the 2nd in the series. Read on for the 3rd biochemical phenomenon in my series:

Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs)
AGE is a a conveniently-coincidental acronym for Advanced Glycation End-products, which are the evil little products of a reaction between glucose (sugar) and proteins... Specifically collagen and elastin in this case (glycation).
Yes, it tastes good, but excess sugar in your diet screws up more than just your waistline.
How does it cause aging? 
Glucose is good, of course, in the way of providing energy. But when there's extra glucose, it rumbles with our collagen and elastin. This process produces AGEs, which make these fibers crispy and easily breakable. This reaction contributes to inflammation, slowed/inhibited growth of cells, and wrinkles (oh my!).
To simplify, think of it as turning your normal, elastic rubber band-like fibers into an old, dried out and crumbly rubber band. When AGE's wreak havoc, your rubber bands are in an accelerated aging state, causing that loss of elasticity, sagging, and wrinkles.
You know all those old, crumbly rubber bands in the back of your desk drawer? That's your elastin after AGE's.
In an article for Prevention, dermatologist Dr Frederic Brandt (well-known for his research in AGE's) breaks it down further: "Besides damaging collagen, a high-sugar diet also affects what type of collagen you have—another factor in how resistant skin is to wrinkling... The most abundant collagens in the skin are types I, II, and III, with type III being the most stable and longest lasting. Glycation transforms type III collagen into type I, which is more fragile.
The article goes on to describe that "AGEs deactivate your body's natural antioxidant enzymes, leaving you more vulnerable to sun damage—still the main cause of skin aging."

yikes! What Now?
1) It's time to build some new Collagen. If you're not already, start using a Retinol or Retinoid.
My favorites for sensitive or dry types:
My favorites for resistant or oily skin types:
Rx Tretinoin .05 or Tretinoin .1 creams

2) Diet:
Cut down on simple sugars in your diet. From a dietary perspective, refined sugar seems to impact glycation about 10 times more than glucose.
Yup, just another reason... Sorry.
Judgmental cat seems judgmental, but he really just cares about your complexion.

3) Use topical antioxidants.
These guys are ONCE AGAIN a great way to cut down on all the domino effects of damage. . Click HERE to read more about them. 

4) Try a Targeted Treatment Cream: One of my fave go-to's is Skinceuticals AGE Interrupter. Give it a Go if you're in the market for a rich, cosmetically-elegant treatment cream.

And Until Next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!

Playing With MicroLaserPeel

Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to experiment with Sciton's Profractional Laser Technology, Sciton's BBL, and Sciton's MicroLaserPeel treatment. I was pretty excited about the versatility of the MicroLaserPeel. This  resurfacing laser treatment is fully customizable, and can fall anywhere in social downtime (ie, pinkness/sensitivity afterwards) between a REALLY effective microdermabrasion and a huge, intense laser treatment. Here's what can be treated with MicroLaserPeel:

• Wrinkles and Skin Texture

• Scars

• Keratosis

• Sun damage (including freckles)

• Pigment irregularities

Almost any skin areas can be treated, but the most popular treatment areas are the face, neck, chest and hands.

MicroLaserPeel (also sometimes called a NanoPeel, or a Weekend Peel) is an erbium laser treatment that removes a thin layer of damaged skin to improve texture and provide a more youthful appearance. It's pretty great because it can be administered with great precision of depth, like if you only have one afternoon for social-downtime. The procedure is performed in your physician’s office and is pretty great because it can be custom tailored to your specific skin concerns, and most importantly: How much time you have to spare for social downtime. That, and it can be combined with other laser procedures at the same visit to maximize your results.

The depth is measured in microns, so a 10 Micron laser Peel is much lighter than a 20, which would require some social downtime. Here's how you could look at it: A series of microdermabrasions (like maybe 6 treatments) can equal one treatment of a 10 micron MicroLaserPeel.

Here's a great video of a demonstration.You'll see the MicroLaserPeel’s beam being scanned over a treatment area to remove the very thin layer of the skin. As the skin heals, fresh cells grow and resurface the treated area. The result is healthier-looking skin, often with reduced wrinkles and improved tone. Patients often say that it looks like their skin went from looking 'tired' to fab.

 Here's the same day before and after pictures of my hand after (from top to bottom) a 4 Micron Peel, an 8 Micron Peel, and a 10 Micron Peel. (translation: Super-Light to Light)

Screen Shot 2014-03-09 at 8.34.34 PMI felt totally fine (no discomfort AT ALL), and the texture on my left hand actually looked and felt smoother and healthier than the right hand, almost right away.  I was surprised how audible the laser sound was, and how comfortable it was. I really didn't feel much at all! Can't wait to offer this treatment to our patients, I think they'll love it!

Until Next time: Stay fabulous My Friends!

Chicago's Most Recent Solta Medical Laser Symposium... where technology meets fabulocity.

Image Last week, Chicago Physicians and Clinicians attended Solta Medical's most recent Laser Symposium, where we learned about the most recent advancements in Liposonix fat-reduction (reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue) via HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound), Fraxel re:pair (treatment of wrinkles, furrows, pigmented lesions, vascular dyschromia) Thermage (classic non-invasive treatment of wrinkles) Fraxel DUAL 1550/1927 (sun spots age spots, AK's, melasma, peri-orbital wrinkles and scars) Clear + Brilliant (general skin resurfacing) and Isolaz (acne). WHEW!

Needless to say, there was plenty to absorb... and I had a cramp in my hand from taking notes even before the main course was served. I think with all the constant advancements in technology (especially in our industry), no matter WHAT your role is in your office: we are ALL always learning and growing!

It was an honor to be there, learning alongside some of Chicago's greatest!

Until next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!