My friends are going to Vegas... Here is the product they NEED to be using 

In honor of my friends' upcoming trip to Vegas, I thought I would share my recommendation for anti-aging during the summer in a hot climate... And what product I loaded them up with to make their trip as skin-safe as possible.

It turns out that infrared radiation will absolutely zap your collagen and put your skin into a free-radical frenzy, creating damage. Read about that in another post I wrote, here.

A new, important factor in everyday skin protection, IR-protection is *of course* especially important when you're planning a vacay. Infrared manifests itself as heat on the skin, so you could imagine the havoc that hanging out poolside in Vegas could create.




Here's what I loaded them up with for their suitcases (also in mine when I was there in May for the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery meetings!):

SkinMedica’s Total Defense + Repair SPF 34 Tinted (also available without tint) my absolute summer go-to superscreen.  It features:

  • A cosmetically-elegant, easy-to use and wear consistency: creamy, but not greasy
  • A semi-matte finish offers light, complexion-flattering coverage
  • Tons of specially-formulated antioxidants for both UV and IR protection


Remember, it's important to protect from UV and IR on a daily basis, not just when you're sitting poolside. 

So give it a try this summer, don't forget to reapply, and until next time: stay fabulous, my friends!

Before and After: my Halo Laser Treatment Results!

While it's a little embarrassing to reveal what my complexion looked like before, the results are TOO GOOD to not to share. Here are the before-and-after Visia Imager photos from my Halo Resurfacing. (no foundation/concealer, moisturizer, or anything on the skin in either pic). I've been meaning to share these for a while, I am SO happy with my results! What is Halo? Halo laser is the first of it's kind: a hybrid (ablative and non-ablative) fractionated laser. Translation: 2 different wavelengths of laser fire off at the exact same time. Down-time is a fraction of any other fractionated laser out there-  (you can wear makeup out the door) - and the results are exponentially better from my perspective. It's almost like having double the treatment with amazingly little social downtime, if any.

If you are on the fence about this procedure, I would urge you to go for it.

My before and after: 6 months after 2 Halo Laser  Resurfacing Treatments at Erickson Dermatology in ChicagoMy Results: a reduction of pore size, almost no breakouts anymore, reduction in discoloration and hyperpigmentation, a tightening of the skin, improvement in texture and a noticeable glow or luminosity... probably why they called it Halo.

My before and after: 6 months after 2 Halo Laser  Resurfacing Treatments at Erickson Dermatology in ChicagoMy Plan: Moving forward, I plan to get a Halo once a year to maintain- now that my skin is so improved, I'm spoiled!

Check out Halo at Erickson Dermatology here

and click here to see more Halo Before and After's

Until Next time, stay fabulous, my friends!