Tutorial: Let your eye-shadows run free!!!! ...in 7 Easy Steps

Why would you want to de-pot your eyeshadows (and blush/bronzer etc) from the packaging, you ask? Why WOULDN'T you?: This way you can put them all in one place, and make your life much easier! ...Well, at least where makeup is involved... Many products are offered in "pro" pans, without the packaging... but many are not. This is especially true in the case of limited edition products, or items from another brand that you'd like to combine with your pro pans in a palette.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial of how I de-potted my MAC products:

You'll need: Parchment Paper, a flat iron, a pointy knife or screwdriver, an exact-o knife, rubbing alcohol, and craft magnets with an adhesive backing

Step One: I used a cheap IKEA knife to CAREFULLY pop the pan out of the packaging. The seam is hard to see at first. Be careful not to accidentally throw your shadow across the room!

EEEEK: don't shoot your eye out, kid!

Here's what the pieces look like separated:

Step 2: Place the parchment paper over the flat iron (or other comparable heat source) Mine was set on 145 degrees, which is about MEDIUM. Place the pieces onto the paper so the heat can start to soften the glue (as pictured here)


Too Hot to Hold: be careful, now!

Step 3: After about a minute or so, remove the lower packaging from the heat. The label's adhesive will now be soft, so you can easily remove it. Set it aside.

Step 3


Step 4: After about another minute or two, you can carefully remove the shadow pan from the heat. Very CAREFULLY wiggle your x-acto blade between the pan and the plastic. The glue should be soft, and the pan should come out easily. If not, give it another minute or so on the iron.

Step 4

God bless the label-maker.

Step 5: Be careful not to burn yourself, the metal is hot when it first comes out of the packaging. After a brief cool-down, clean the old adhesive off of back of the pan (when it's still a little warm is the easiest!) with your rubbing alcohol. You are now ready to apply your magnet.

Step 5

Don't Burn, baby, burn: (let the metal cool for a sec before touching it!)

I found these pre-cut adhesive magnets in the craft section at Hobby Lobby:

Step 6: Almost there! Put that little magnet on the back of your pan. By the way, check to see if your empty palette is just plain metal, or if it's already magnetized... you could possibly skip this step!

Step 6

WAIT for it.......!!!

Step 7: Seems a little overkill-ish, but you'll be happy when you run out of that color and want to get more!! Apply your label onto the back of the magnet. There should be enough left-over adhesive on there to stick it right on.

Step 7

Awwwww, Label and Magnet: a match made in heaven.

Woooo-hoooo! Now you can pop those pans into your palette and hit the road! Want to know how to make your palette look like mine? Check out my post on cracking your palette here!

Step 7

Pop those pans into your palette and hit the road!
By the way: I learned this trick via you-tube vids. Petrilude's vid is BY FAR my favorite one out there! Click on his name above for the link to his video^ if you'd like to watch this in action!

Product Storage: You've got 700 Hairsprays. Now What?

This last week has been a whirlwind. Not only did we list our house for sale, but we had 3 showings AND an open house within 30 hours of listing. As a product junkie, its an understatement to say that a few things had to be tidied up. But I wondered: How will I ever hide/display all of my endless beauty paraphernalia so people don’t walk out of the house wondering if a mad scientist lives here?

In my next few entries, I’ll share some cheap, cute, and/or creative solutions I came up with to make being a product junkie live-able AND conducive to selling a home:

To start, here is my home spa room on the lower level of the house, home to a zillion skin care products:Image

Baskets? Sure, they're cute... but not so creative OR cheap (typically). I needed lots of them in this case, and these little guys came CHEAP in packs of 4 or 5 from Ikea. If I did it again though, I might go with THESE which my mom loves for her office storage. I love how clean they look and IKEA has the best prices for the quality (2-packs in varying sizes for $6.99).

The silver metal case on the shelf is really the AWESOME find in this post. It's from a store called Harbor Freight Tools. Baskets from Ikea, and one of the Aluminum cases I got at Harbor Freight

Baskets from Ikea, and one of the Aluminum cases I got at Harbor Freight

Those who know me may think it’s weird for me to be randomly shopping in this dollar-store-version of a Home Depot, but I resent spending big bucks on utilitarian items. I look at it this way: the more I save here, the more I can spend on skincare and handbags. Right??

Anyway, this aluminum case is perfect to store and travel with makeup, paint/paintbrushes, skincare, and tools too -if you’re into that kind of thing!-  and comes with adjustable dividers and a shoulder strap. Style-wise, it could be a cousin of my expensive Sephora Brand Aluminum makeup kit. It doesn’t feel as high quality as others, but you just can’t beat the price- I actually bought 4! Harbor Freight also offers ‘20% off one item’ coupons, so if you’re stocking up, sign up for their mailing list.

This brings up a good point (if I do say so myself): when you’re looking for a solution, try to think outside the box, or at least try not to default to the most convenient solution.

Here's what I mean: in a casual google search just now, a metal 36" ruler at Dick Blick is $11.25. Then there's our friend Ace, who carries one for $4.49.Image

Of course, sometimes you get what you pay for, and there are always exceptions.

Many times, makeup and skin care supply/storage can often be found where you're not looking for it: in the kitchen section of a store or maybe the Dollar Spot at Target. You could even re-purpose that collection of fabulous boxes you accumulated when you were on that Louis Vuitton kick (oh, maybe that was just me) but you get the idea...IMG_1174

So the next time you're looking for a storage solution or a new supply, look around and see what you can re-purpose, and keep your eyes open for the less-likely solution. Getting creative may just make your life easier without spending all of your shopping money!