More Fun New Tech Toys: Beauty and Brains

LaCie Mirror Hardrive. 1TB of FabulousOk, say what you want about the $280 price tag on this gorilla glass-covered, French-designed, narcissist-fave hard drive but I think it's fab! The Lacie 1TB Seagate scratch-proof hard drive puts the fun in, backing up your computer. No... it puts the fab in ... techy desktop accessories. No... Hmmm.

Well, I'd like to know what's wrong with double-checking your lip gloss placement at your desk with a single glance before greeting a client? Or (more importantly) quickly verifying there is no spinach in your smile after a veg-friendly lunch? I think this is a fun and fabulous find.

Watch a quick vid of this pretty piece here:


If that price tag causes you to frown, it's time to touch up your BOTOX. ...And/OR, you can experiment with a budget-friendly and creative mirror alternative: The Glam Screen. I gave this one a try after doing the above ^ double-checks on my actual phone for a while.

It's tiring:

Unlock phone> Camera> Change the camera view to face yourself> Notice how weird and alien-like you look on the self-facing screen-side camera> check for spinach.

This is just too many steps for a girl on the go. Grab a glam screen and call it a day! 

Get Glam (and simultaneously check for stuff in your teeth) with Glam Screen!

Check out my other new and fun tech suggestion here: The Pearl Mirror Compact

And Until Next time: stay fabulous, my friends!

Fun New Tech Toy: iPhone users, start your Mastercards!

Does anybody out there remember the LED lit mirror compact from BOTOX Cosmetic 'back in the day', (as they say)? The fun and light-hearted silver LED light-up compact was really novel and unique for its time. nostalgia: the LED Botox mirror!That sense of fun and creativity in a beauty accessory has been something that I have tried to duplicate over the years. I've longed for that novelty pretty much since Allergan stopped making the chachkies (honorable mention: the rhinestone BOTOX baseball cap. RIP, cute and lightweight hat! You were PERFECT for the gym!)

Well, have no fear, the next generation of fun is here! Check out the Pearl compact mirror charger! This cutie comes in a pretty gift box and provides a full charge for iPhone 6! It started off as a kickstarter, check it out here: Kickstarter Pearl.

The Pearl: The best thing since, well... compacts and phone chargers??I plan to jump on this product. We are multitasking all day long! Who wants to travel with a phone accessory (or beauty accessory, for that matter!) that doesn't multi-task, too?

Until Next time, stay fabulous, my friends!