BOTOX for Babies: Part 3- Ice, Ice Baby

Have you been nervous to try an injectable because of bruising or discomfort? Read on… There is a TOTAL laundry list of ways to avoid little bruises or lessen the slight (and temporary) discomfort from an injectable cosmetic treatment, but here is one of my tips based on my experiences in the office:

She's as cold as ice:

Pressing a cold pack onto the area for 5 or 10 minutes before your procedure usually means vasoconstriction –so those little blood vessels are running for their lives, not begging to be hit with an injection (this is what causes bruising). BONUS: it helps dull the sensation, too!

Icing afterward will also prevent or reduce swelling, which is helpful as well. The cold reduces blood flow to the injury and can limit the size of the bruise. Additionally, the cold will decrease the inflammation (this IS an injury, after all) and reduce any swelling that you might have.

5-15 minutes on, and 5-15 minutes off with a cold pack can be helpful after an injection… so if you’re checking your email or watching Netflix when you get home, grab a cold one! (a cold pack, that is!)

So, I think it'd be more helpful on your face, you guys.  But, whatever blows your hair back, I suppose...

Your doc will likely have specific instructions for you, including post-care. Please note: this is post is simply meant to be fun and informative, *not the authority on your health* so please always follow your doctors instructions... and NOT what you read on the internet. (yes, this blog included!)

Keep in mind that there are always risks to every procedure, so chat it up with your physician to make sure these procedures are appropriate for you… Until Next time: Stay safe, and fabulous!

BOTOX for Babies: PART 2- Just give me the drugs, Doc!

Have you been nervous to try an injectable because of bruising or discomfort? Read on… There is a TOTAL laundry list of ways to avoid little bruises or lessen the slight (and temporary) discomfort from an injectable cosmetic treatment, but here is one of my tips based on my experiences in the office:

"Missed me, missed me, now you have to kiss me!"  -your blood vessels

Even if you’re a Seasoned Injection Veteran who's not so concerned with discomfort, I believe you should ask for the topical anesthetic (if you’re not allergic or have other contraindications).

Why? Your doctor might use a topical anesthetic called LET (4% lidocaine, 1:2000 epinephrine, 0.5% tetracaine) which constricts blood vessels. This means that the blood vessels can kind of shrink up and there’s less of a chance of hitting them. I think it’s a win/win: less discomfort, and less of a chance of the dreaded bruise.

Now, this part is purely anecdotal, and just my opinion based on what I’ve personally seen in the office: but I think even topical anesthetic without the epinephrine can help prevent bruises. So, if your doctor’s office doesn’t use LET, I would still ask for the BLT (20% benzocaine, 6% lidocaine, 4% tetracaine) or similar. I haven’t read anywhere that these other compounded topicals are actually proven vaso-constrictors, but if you try it, let me know what you think! Hey, at least it won't hurt!

Missed me!! Beep Beep! (With LET, your vessels can be the roadrunner!!)

Your doc will likely have specific instructions for you, including post-care. Please note: this is post is simply meant to be fun and informative, *not the authority on your health* so please always follow your doctors instructions... and NOT what you read on the internet. (yes, this blog included!)

Keep in mind that there are always risks to every procedure, so chat it up with your physician to make sure these procedures are appropriate for you… Until Next time: Stay safe, and fabulous!

Tutorial: Let your eye-shadows run free!!!! 7 Easy Steps

Why would you want to de-pot your eyeshadows (and blush/bronzer etc) from the packaging, you ask? Why WOULDN'T you?: This way you can put them all in one place, and make your life much easier! ...Well, at least where makeup is involved... Many products are offered in "pro" pans, without the packaging... but many are not. This is especially true in the case of limited edition products, or items from another brand that you'd like to combine with your pro pans in a palette.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial of how I de-potted my MAC products:

You'll need: Parchment Paper, a flat iron, a pointy knife or screwdriver, an exact-o knife, rubbing alcohol, and craft magnets with an adhesive backing

Step One: I used a cheap IKEA knife to CAREFULLY pop the pan out of the packaging. The seam is hard to see at first. Be careful not to accidentally throw your shadow across the room!

EEEEK: don't shoot your eye out, kid!

Here's what the pieces look like separated:

Step 2: Place the parchment paper over the flat iron (or other comparable heat source) Mine was set on 145 degrees, which is about MEDIUM. Place the pieces onto the paper so the heat can start to soften the glue (as pictured here)


Too Hot to Hold: be careful, now!

Step 3: After about a minute or so, remove the lower packaging from the heat. The label's adhesive will now be soft, so you can easily remove it. Set it aside.

Step 3


Step 4: After about another minute or two, you can carefully remove the shadow pan from the heat. Very CAREFULLY wiggle your x-acto blade between the pan and the plastic. The glue should be soft, and the pan should come out easily. If not, give it another minute or so on the iron.

Step 4

God bless the label-maker.

Step 5: Be careful not to burn yourself, the metal is hot when it first comes out of the packaging. After a brief cool-down, clean the old adhesive off of back of the pan (when it's still a little warm is the easiest!) with your rubbing alcohol. You are now ready to apply your magnet.

Step 5

Don't Burn, baby, burn: (let the metal cool for a sec before touching it!)

I found these pre-cut adhesive magnets in the craft section at Hobby Lobby:

Step 6: Almost there! Put that little magnet on the back of your pan. By the way, check to see if your empty palette is just plain metal, or if it's already magnetized... you could possibly skip this step!

Step 6

WAIT for it.......!!!

Step 7: Seems a little overkill-ish, but you'll be happy when you run out of that color and want to get more!! Apply your label onto the back of the magnet. There should be enough left-over adhesive on there to stick it right on.

Step 7

Awwwww, Label and Magnet: a match made in heaven.

Woooo-hoooo! Now you can pop those pans into your palette and hit the road! Want to know how to make your palette look like mine? Check out my post on cracking your palette here!

Step 7

Pop those pans into your palette and hit the road!
By the way: I learned this trick via you-tube vids. Petrilude's vid is BY FAR my favorite one out there! Click on his name above for the link to his video^ if you'd like to watch this in action!

Is the MAN keeping you down?? Customize your x15 MAC Pro Palette

Don't let someone tell you how to organize your shadows... You are the ARTIIIIST, after all! BEFORE: BORING and limited shadow storage ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.....To fit more fabulous shadows onto my Pro x15 palette, I wedged a small flat head screwdriver through one of the empty shadow spaces, and underneath the top plastic piece. I pried it up just enough so I could grip it with my hand...

Be careful here, if you give it too much muscle, it will snap and could fly across the room- possibly injuring an innocent bystander (or you!). Slowly pull one end up, and if you get it just right, that piece will pull right off.

Waaaah-LAH!This can work for many brands of palettes, existing Mac Pro x15's, and mac palettes that are smaller as well... so play around and see. Mac is making a new 'blank-canvas' large palette that you can customize now, I purchased this newer generation palette with an optional plastic liner for lips. Sounds like we won't be breaking the inserts out of mac pro palettes for long! Good work, MAC.

Thinking outside the box, errr, palette: you can get nuts with products, too: invite your foundation powder to the party, blushes, bronzers, cream blushes, whatever!

Getting crazy here, peopleGet creative, and let me know how it goes. Until next time, Stay Fabulous my Friends!