Chicago's Most Recent Solta Medical Laser Symposium... where technology meets fabulocity.

Image Last week, Chicago Physicians and Clinicians attended Solta Medical's most recent Laser Symposium, where we learned about the most recent advancements in Liposonix fat-reduction (reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue) via HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound), Fraxel re:pair (treatment of wrinkles, furrows, pigmented lesions, vascular dyschromia) Thermage (classic non-invasive treatment of wrinkles) Fraxel DUAL 1550/1927 (sun spots age spots, AK's, melasma, peri-orbital wrinkles and scars) Clear + Brilliant (general skin resurfacing) and Isolaz (acne). WHEW!

Needless to say, there was plenty to absorb... and I had a cramp in my hand from taking notes even before the main course was served. I think with all the constant advancements in technology (especially in our industry), no matter WHAT your role is in your office: we are ALL always learning and growing!

It was an honor to be there, learning alongside some of Chicago's greatest!

Until next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!