AmSpa, Environ, and Cutera host Chicago Aesthetic Industry Friends at POPS

Last week I had the honor of joining a number of Chicago area pros at the American Medical Spa Association, Environ Skin Care and Cutera Laser Industry Networking Reception at Pops for Champagne.  A great time was had by all! Thanks to Nealy Skeldon with Environ and Ryan Hotchkiss with Cutera for hosting! With a Bunch of Beauties at the AmSpa, Environ and Cutera Chicago Industry Networking Reception 

Sciton's Superior Science: Aesthetic Laser Symposium

Speakers Jason Pozner, MD, FAC and Stanley J. Kovak, MD just schooled all of Chicago (and surrounds) last weekend on Combo treatments with amazing Sciton laser technologies at the Waldorf Astoria. Sciton (as I'm learning over time) has awesome, advanced, and highly-customizable phototherapies for many different aging and sun-damaged skin types. These lasers are complex, and behind the scenes you would hear that they aren't for the beginner laser practitioner. Even with as much experience as I have doing laser treatments, I'm learning a lot (well, a TON) and am enjoying every minute!! The results are significant- and I'm looking forward to learning more every day under the direction of my physician. YEAH!

Screenshot 2014-03-09 22.24.34These were the Topics:

  • Achieving superior results with combination procedures
  • Advanced phototherapy and skin tightening for aging and sun damaged skin
  • Resurfacing Perfected

Thanks Sciton, Dr Pozner, and Dr Kovak! I learned a ton!

Until next time: Stay Fabulous, My Friends!

The Chicken, the Egg, and The Changing Aesthetic Landscape

Chickens be like: I was here first.As I write, I am here in San Francisco at the The Aesthetic Academy meetings.  Yesterday I took the Certified Aesthetic Consultant Exam and should have my results in 2-3 weeks. (Keep your finger crossed for me!) And now that the hard work is over, I can take a deep breath, sit back, and learn. A handful of the nation’s top aesthetic physicians are here presenting their favorite technologies for non-surgical rejuvenation, fat reduction and anti-aging. I'm noting a continuous theme with every. single. presentation.

The theme: the industry landscape is changing. For example: in 1997 (and maybe even 2007) a person might go to a doctor, have a surgery, and ride off into the sunset. These days, informed consumers are seeking more progressive solutions with little or no downtime. They have high expectations, plenty of options, and do lots of research.  They aren’t jumping into invasive surgeries. In fact, according to ASAPS, the surgical segment of our industry is only experiencing growth of 3% each year, whereas non-surgical procedures are growing over 10% each year. As I listen, I agree… as a Service Provider, a Practice Manager, and as a patient myself. People want procedures that are better, faster, and easier to recover from.

From my perspective, I see these savvy, well-informed patients demanding these advancements. And I also see (especially at the industry conferences) that the technology is getting better.  But I wonder: is the technology getting better because the market demands it? Or are people starting to access these treatments because the new, effective, non-invasive options are finally available? Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Whichever scenario is happening, the technology is getting better. Science is looking to affect the skin/tissues on a molecular level. We are hearing more and more about changing 'the behavior' of the tissue. I even heard the phrase “reprogramming genes like software”.  Indeed, genes are kind of like little strings of data, not unlike software.  Heating, cooling, and using all types of energies to manipulate, denature, and contract are becoming the methods of choice for patients AND practitioners.  Very interesting.  So while plenty of facelifts are still happening, it sounds like the future of medicine is going 'molecular'.

Feeling good, about to take the Certified Aesthetic Consultant exam. Here are the buzz-worthy, popular topics for non-surgical and non-invasive technologies here at the show:

  • Microneedling
  • Diodes
  • RF Devices (radiofrequency, now with less treatments)
  • Enzymes, Stem Cells in Skin Care
  • IPL, Photo Facial (oldie but a goodie)
  • Circumferential Reduction, (Body Contouring and Fat Reduction)
  • (Still trying for a great) Skin Tightening modality
  • Cellulite Treatments (still nothing permanent, but looking good in the temporary-realm!)
  • Micro-cannulas (for injecting soft tissue fillers like Juvederm)
  • Voluma (the new filler from Allergan)

More to come from San Francisco!

In the meantime, Stay Fabulous, My Friends!

December Lumenis Symposium: Because Chicago could use a little light(-based technology) in the winter... amiright?

I was honored to be learning about Lumenis' latest cosmetic light-based technology from (and with) some of the brightest minds in our field at tonight's Chicago Lumenis Symposium. Lumenis has been well known for it's IPL devices over the years, but just a few months ago they received FDA approval for their ResurFX: The New Fractional Non-Ablative technology for skin resurfacing. What the heck does that mean, you ask?

A quick generalized answer here: Non-Ablative means that the surface of the skin stays intact, and fractionated means collagen remodeling by only treating a FRACTION of the skin at a time (aka, little-to-no-downtime). WOO-HOO!

Here I am with The Lumenis M22, (the R2-D2 looking unit which houses their famous ResurFX and IPL), alongside the well-known Aesthetic Consultant extraordinaire, Cindy Graf (aka, The Laser Queen!)

Chicago's Most Recent Solta Medical Laser Symposium... where technology meets fabulocity.

Image Last week, Chicago Physicians and Clinicians attended Solta Medical's most recent Laser Symposium, where we learned about the most recent advancements in Liposonix fat-reduction (reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue) via HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound), Fraxel re:pair (treatment of wrinkles, furrows, pigmented lesions, vascular dyschromia) Thermage (classic non-invasive treatment of wrinkles) Fraxel DUAL 1550/1927 (sun spots age spots, AK's, melasma, peri-orbital wrinkles and scars) Clear + Brilliant (general skin resurfacing) and Isolaz (acne). WHEW!

Needless to say, there was plenty to absorb... and I had a cramp in my hand from taking notes even before the main course was served. I think with all the constant advancements in technology (especially in our industry), no matter WHAT your role is in your office: we are ALL always learning and growing!

It was an honor to be there, learning alongside some of Chicago's greatest!

Until next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!