These Villains are damaging your skin: Part 1

If we want to look at our anti-aging practices from an informed and discerning perspective, it's good to know what's going on in there that causes wrinkles (and other not-so-fun manifestations of skin aging). So far, we know about three main things that happen in the skin when damage is's one:

The Production of Evil Villain #1: ROS, aka Reactive Oxygen Species

Free radicals: A bull in the china shop (of your skin) at

ROS: These little oxidative destructors are also known as free radicals. When they're produced by damage, they are missing an electron - so they'll tazmanian-devil through otherwise stable molecules wreaking all kinds of havoc.

Throughout this mission of destruction, they are looking to steal an electron for themselves, causing those other normal cells to become free-radicals, too. This chain reaction of destruction and theft leads to inflammation, damage, and the cross-linking of collagen and elastin (wrinkles!!)

Eeek! What should I do, you ask? The best product-related helpers are antioxidants and sunscreens, which both help prevent the formation in the first place, and help neutralize the offenders. (Picture a knight in shining armor, swinging a sword at an evil free radical... and read more about those here!)

Antioxidant products at

More on those villains later, and until next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!

3 Fast Facts: Obagi C Clarifying Serum

I started 3 fast facts because I could go on forever about some of these products... which can make writing about them a little daunting.  Instead of overthinking (and therefore procrastinating), I'll just use this category to finally touch on some of my favorite products & three reasons you might love them too! 

Obagi C-Clarifying Serum

Obagi C-Clarifying Serum

What can I say except: WOW. This little powerhouse is amazing, and the only of its kind on the market.

Obagi C-Clarifying Serum: With Marketing like this, how could it NOT be fabulous?? at

➢ Fact 1:

The first and only:

Its unique formula features 10% Vitamin C combined with prescription strength 4% Hydroquinone, the Gold standard treatment for dark spots and discoloration. Prescription strength means that the product is able to penetrate the dermal layers to reduce the over-activity of melanosomes.

Translation: Not only will the Vitamin C work to lighten and brighten, but the power of RX lighteners are in your corner too. It's really under-rated, in my opinion: This product is not only neutralizing free radicals and protecting the skin, improving the appearance of age spots and hyperpigmentation! What more could you want??

➢ Fact 2:

It works. And Fast:

In studies, this product was mostly observed effective at about 4 weeks. In reality, I observe patients (and on my own skin!) notice changes much faster than that. Some people swear up-and-down that they see significant lightening and brightening as soon as a few days! Expect results to continue to get better for up to 4 months. The prevention benefit will continue beyond that, as long as you're still using it.

➢ Fact 3:

Two sizes fit most:

Originally (way back) only available in one formula, this serum is now-a-days available in two 'flavors': Normal to Dry and Normal to Oily, they've thought of everyone here! It will help treat multiple kinds of darkened skin:

  •  Freckles
  • Age spots
  • Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (the 'stain' that's left over after a blemish for example)
  • Melasma


Until Next Time, Stay Fabulous, My Friends!

Food for Thought: Veggie-Based AntiAging Skin Care!

I will not pretend to be an expert in the realm of hormones. Not at all. In fact, I am perplexed by how intensely women are affected by hormones: hormonal changes, hormonal aging, and hormonal imbalances. Seriously, hormones affect just about everything... from hair growth and loss, kidney function, reproductive organs (obv), skin aging, and uhhh... basically everything. I thought this was a neat line to look into because of how little awareness there is on this topic (myself included, but perhaps a universal issue?) Ummm, Yeah!  I TOTALLY get what's going on here. Why do you ask??? (brain explodes)The VENeffect Line was founded by Chicago locals (and sisters!) Rebecca and Cecil Booth. Rebecca Booth, MD is a gynecologist and hormonal expert, who aims to balance the decline of estrogen influence on the skin as we age. She and Cecil designed this line to provide women with a solution to the hormonal aging issue by utilizing their proprietary blend of phytoestrogens in topical products.

The Booth Girls, founders of the VENeffect lineHere's what the Booth girls say about PhytoEstrogens and what they do for the skin when applied topically: (click below to go to their site)

"They increase skin's production of collagen as well as boost hyaluronic acid production, the dewy substance that gives healthy skin its glow. Phytoestrogens also increase the activity of fibroblasts: collagen-making cells that also pump out elastin, the substance that gives skin elasticity.  Phytoestrogens are also potent anti-oxidants that neutralize toxic free radicals as well as promote healing in order to slow premature aging. VENeffect has developed a proprietary phytoestrogen system that is safe and highly effective at restoring and preserving skin's collagen and youthful glow."

Here they are talking about the science behind VENeffect (click below to watch a vid): 


From my perspective:

As far as the efficacy of topical phytoestrogen's direct effect on the elasticity/tone of the skin: Hey, it's food for thought!  I will leave the hormonal science up to them, and physicians or experts on this topic. What I CAN comment on is my personal experience while experimenting with this line. Here are my top three favorites:

#1 Favorite: I LOVED LOVED LOVED the Anti-Aging Lip Treatment ($85) .  This award-winning lip treatment harnesses that  'phytoestrogen technology' to deeply hydrate. I applied twice a day, and really enjoyed the light green-tea-ish fragrance and delicate consistency. It really felt like the skin on and around my lips absorbed the product. While using it, I had no issues with color-bleeding  from lipstick, nor did I have any issues with flaky, dry, peely, or cracked lips. LOVED this.

2nd Place: The anti-Aging Eye Treatment ($125) was a nice product, too. I was told by Melissa Moore, (the Product Specialist that educated me here in Chicago) that the founders designed it to work well when applied OVER makeup in case you need a mid-day refresh. I tried it for myself and it did not roll up, ball off, or make my makeup muddy. This was a nice rescue product when my allergies caused me to wake up with puffiness, and when I got too little sleep a few times during the week.

3rd: The Firming Neck and Decollate ($155) product is  another winner in my book for it's rich, yet not-greasy consistency.


I look forward to continuing to learn more about phytoestrogens and their impact on hormonally aging skin. But in the meantime, at least I found my current favorite lip product!  (So at least I can look good, even if I'm not totally sure why!)

I've got some homework, but at least I'll look great doing it!Until Next time, stay Fabulous My friends!

Fun Find: Every Drop Beauty Spatula

Have you ever resented the fact that you can't reach the bottom of the bottle to get the last drop of really-great-and/or-expensive-fill-in-the-blank product to get the last bit? I have heard anecdotes over the years of women prying open a container of TNS Recovery Complex (and many others) with a pair of pliers. This is probably hazardous... (at the very least you at risk breaking a nail) and is likely not the experience you desire when using a fabulous, cosmetically elegant, and likely expensive-as-heck product. Don't be angry at the bottle. It IS just a bottle, after all.  Just get this "Every Drop" Beauty Spatula!

 Don't get angry, get Spatula!

Don't get angry, get Spatula!

I came across this miniature silicone spatula with when I opened my new 'the Container Store' Stocking-Stuffer catalog that came in the mail today. Genius!

The unique shape is designed to reach under the lip of a jar to get every last drop.  It's washable (reusable) and has a long handle to reach into really skinny/tall bottles or jars. The cherry on top: It's only $4.99, and is made in the USA. And really, what else do you possibly want from a spatula?!

Happy Shopping! Stay Fabulous, My Friends!