Scrub-A-Dub... DOH! Turns out Microbeads are messing up the environment.

wpid-testUpload.pngWhile you might have until 2019 to stock up on your favorite microbead scrubs and cleansers, let your conscience be your guide: it turns out that microbeads are polluting the Great Lakes and starting to mess up the local food chain. Illinois was first state to pass legislation on the issue, requiring companies to gradually phase out the plastic beads by 2019. California (not to be trumped in this department) may ban them sooner, possibly by 2016.


Don't worry about your fave stuff disappearing, though. Companies like L'oreal and Johnson & Johnson are on board to sub biodegradable versions ASAP, with many others to follow suit.

Read all about it here:

Until next time, a fabulous my friends!